Cara membuat locker CMD

Sekedar share aja :p

Cara membuat Locker CMD :
1. Buka Notepad
2. Copy paste kode dibawah ini (Ganti Password yang berwarna merah dengan Password yang kamu inginkan)

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Serius nih Aldi mau di Kunci sekarang ??(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Masukkan Y atau N
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Foldernya sudah Terkunci Aldi
goto End
echo Apaan sih lu buka buka locker gua ?, mao lu apa ?, Masukin aja dah passnya !
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== Password goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Selamat, Folder Sudah Terbuka Aldi
goto End
echo Aldi Kamu Salah Ngetiknya
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker Berhasil di Buat Aldi
goto End

Influence of Hindu and Buddhist on Naruto

As we all know the storyline of Naruto could hold us so firmly because of strong characterization of each character very intelligently by Sir Masashi Kishimoto over a long period of time. I don’t know if you have noticed this but Hindu mythology, ancient Hindu manuscripts had a small yet very important role in this story. The appearance of many characters and some techniques in the series were influenced by Hindu mythology. Though I have very few instances but I believe I can somewhat convince you with the scarce knowledge I possess. So here is what I have to share.

1. Chakra

The basis of all techniques, chakra is adopted from Hindu yogic traditions. The word chakra is derived from the sanskrit word for “wheel” or “turning”. The human subtle system is a vastly intricate one, made up of thousands channelswhich carry energy throughout the body. The concentrations of the energy in the subtle system are called chakras (“wheels” in Sanskrit), or energy centers.

As you can see above, there are seven chakra gates in the Hindu yogic tradition. But Sir Masashi Kishimoto introduced an eight gate. Gate of death. If you remember, Sir Masashi Kishimoto invested great amount of time in the initial chapters to explain us the intricacies of chakra and how chakra is moulded to create numerous techniques. No technique is independent of chakra. So now I can claim that a huge chunk of the storyline goes to Hindu yogic tradition.
Also it has been reported that comic legend Stan Lee is teaming up with Indian artists to create an Indian superhero who unlocks the mysteries of chakra, another person influenced by Hindu yogic traditions.

2. Ocular technique – Amaterasu

This ocular technique of the Uchiha clan is very similar to Lord Shiva’s eye technique. My Indian friends here maybe familiar with this. The black flames of Amaterasu, said to come from hell ignite at the focus of the users vision is very much similar to the flames released by Lord Shiva’s third eye. Below you can see Itachi using Amaterasu against his brother, Sasuke and Sasuke countering it with his fire technique.

Lord Shiva, a major Hindu deity possesses three eyes. The third eye is located on his forehead. The third eye of Lord Shiva can turn anything into ashes with the flames it produces. It can emit energy enough to destroy the universe. The other two eyes of Lord Shiva emit energy but only limited enough to feed the universe. If the third eye opens, energy in mass would be emitted and would cause huge destruction. Below you can see Lord Shiva’s third eye, located on his forehead.

Lord Shiva’s third eye, located on his forehead is closed in order to prevent release of infinite energy that can destroy everything. There are very few instances when lord Shiva is forced to use his third eye. The image below illustrates one such rare instance. Below you can see Lord Shiva using his third eye to destroy Kamadev.

3. Micellaneous

Chiriku, one of the twelve Guardian Ninja used Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder when he fought with Hidan and Kakuzu. The figure appearing behind Chiriku has many arms and rests on a lotus. The figure that appears in the background has a very strong resemblance of a Hindu Goddess Durga having many arms and also of Goddess Lakshmi who rests on a lotus

Above is Chiriku’s Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder and below you can see Goddess Durga and below that you have Goddess Lakshmi resting on a lotus.

4. Deidara’s Technique (C4 Garuda)

We all can recall the time when Deidara fought Sasuke and he pulled out his trump card, the C4 Garuda. The name of this technique has been inspired from a mythological bird in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, which is named Garuda. The constellation in the Northern sky, Aquila (Latin for ‘eagle’) is identified as the deity Garuda, in Hinduism.

5. The most powerful Doujutsu, Rinnegan

As described by Konan, the bearer of the Rinnegan can use all the techniques of the six bodies of Pain and it is said to exist out of the realm of life and death. The Rinnegan’s last path governs life and death and the user himself in the Seventh Path. ‘Rinne’ is a term used to describe ‘samsara’ in Japanese. Samsara is the cycle of human life, which reaches out to death and reincarnation, which perfectly relates to the powers of the Outer Path (Seventh Path).

6. The Six Paths of Pain

All of the Six Paths bear the names of Samsaric Realms of Reincarnation, which are as follows. The six domains of the desire realm relate to the Rinnegan’s Six Paths perfectly, as described by Nagato:

1. The God (Deva) path
2. The Demon (Asura) path
3. The Human path
4. The Hungry ghost (Preta) domain
5. The Hell (Naraka) domain
6. The Animal Path

7. The Gedo Mazo Statue

After gathering any of the Tailed Beasts, the entity was sealed in the Gedo Mazo, which is the personal summon of the Rinnegan bearer and also the Akatsuki rendezvous point. The statue has a lotus throne, which is very common for Hindu gods to have. The name of the statue is influenced from Buddhist terminology, where Gedo stands for ‘Outer Path’.

8. Monkey King Enma

Enma, in Buddhism, is a God who judges the dead and presides of the cycle of reincarnation. The name of this god is exactly the same as Hiruzen’s personal summon, Monkey King Enma. Furthermore, in the Indian epic Ramayana’s central character, the mythological monkey Hanuman is an unbelievably strong entity as he lifted a mountain once with
his one hand. The strength somewhat relates to Enma as his transformation, Adamantine Staff could push Kurama out
of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Below you can see Lord Hanuman lifting mount Dronagiri.

9. Orochimaru’s Theme

The theme of Orochimaru, which was specially used in his fight with Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, is mostly an instrumental but there are a few lines spoke which are in the Hindi language. The lines say “Dil ki khwahishon se batein kar” which means “Talk with the desires within you.”

10. Katsu
This is adding from me, so check this out


Alasan Huruf QWERTY Pada Keyboard

Pernahkah anda bertanya, mengapa susunan huruf dalam keyboard mesin ketik, komputer, hingga PDA kita berupa “QWERTYUIOP” dan seterusnya? Mengapa tidak dibuat saja berurutan seperti “ABCDEFGH” dan seterusnya? Mungkin sebagian dari anda sudah tahu ceritanya, tetapi kalau-kalau anda belum tahu ane copas di sini.

Konon, keyboard tersebut sudah diciptakan sejak tahun 1860an oleh Sholes dan Dunsmore. Awalnya mereka membuatnya berurutan sesuai abjad. Namun, lambat laun seiring dengan meningkatnya kemampuan (kebiasaan) user, kecepatan mengetik menjadi lebih cepat padahal mekanisme mesin saat itu masih sederhana. Akibatnya, (baris) tombol tertentu menjadi sering macet dan menghambat pekerjaan.

Berdasar pengalaman mereka, akhirnya disusunlah keyboard yang sengaja dipersulit dan dibuat tidak efisien agar keyboard tidak mudah jammed. Desain mesin ketik itu kemudian dijual ke Remington untuk diproduksi secara massal tahun 1873. Susunannya terbagi dalam empat baris, baris teratas berupa “23456789-”, baris kedua “QWE.TYIUOP”, baris ketiga “XDFGHJKLM”, dan baris terbawah “AX&CVBN?;R”.

Seiring berjalannya waktu, teknologi berkembang pesat dan masalah tombol keyboard yang sering macet sudah teratasi dengan desain mekanik yang lebih baik. Sejumlah desain keyboard alternatif juga muncul di pasaran. Salah satu yang cukup populer adalah Dvorak Simplified Keyboard (DSK) yang dibuat oleh August Dvorak tahun 1936. Desain itu diklaim merupakan desain yang lebih efisien, cepat, dan egronomis.

QWERTY sebenarnya punya banyak kelemahan seperti membuat tangan kiri Anda overload terutama ketika menulis dalam bahasa Inggris (hal serupa saya rasakan ketika menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia). QWERTY juga membuat kelingking Anda overload. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distribusi huruf tidak merata sehingga jari Anda harus menyeberang dari baris ke baris—-bila dihitung jari tukang ketik tipikal akan berjalan lebih dari 20 mil per hari dibandingkan dengan DSK yang hanya 1 mil.

Sayangnya, orang tetap ogah berpaling dari desain “QWERTY” kendati desain tersebut bukan merupakan desain yang terbaik. Sekalipun teknologi sudah bisa mengatasi problem tombol yang nge-jam, orang tetap bertahan dengan desain “QWERTY” bukannya desain lain yang lebih superior. Alih-alih, QWERTY malah dinobatkan menjadi standar internasional di tahun 1966.

Hal yang sama juga terjadi di Microsoft Windows. Kita tentu tahu bahwa Windows bukanlah sistem operasi terbaik, entah itu dari segi keamanan, kemudahan, kinerja, sampai soal keindahan. Namun, karena penetrasi pasar Windows sudah begitu deras, orang mulai terbiasa menggunakan Windows dan sistem operasi tersebut menjadi terstandardisasi.

Apakah tidak ada yang lebih baik dari Windows? Tentu saja tidak. Namun orang perlu pikir-pikir beberapa kali sebelum berpaling dari standar tersebut. Mereka harus menghadapi barrier seperti faktor biaya, isu kompatibilitas, proses pembelajaran, faktor waktu, dan masih banyak lagi. Akibatnya jumlah mereka yang setia jauh lebih besar daripada yang murtad. Inilah yang menjadikan Windows atau QWERTY kemudian menjadi standar—-kendati mereka bukan yang terbaik.

Dalam dunia ilmiah, fenomena ini dijelaskan sebagai konsep path dependency dan network externality. Intinya, inovasi tidak menghasilkan outcome yang out of the blue, tetapi merupakan perkembangan yang bisa diprediksi dari yang sudah-sudah. Selain itu, value dari inovasi tersebut akan makin tinggi bila digunakan oleh makin banyak orang. Pada tahap tertentu, inovasi tersebut akan menjadi standar yang digunakan oleh umum.

Game Ranger, Software yang mengubah Game Offline menjadi Game Online

Gameranger. Software ini berfungsi sebagai server untuk menghubungkan game bisa disebut juga online. Game ranger juga sangat ringan dan tidak terlalu memberatkan komputer.

Download Game Ranger

1.Cara yang pertama jalankan setupnya.
2. Sewaktu sedang menginstall anda akan disuruh REGISTER, register aja.
3. Setelah selesai anda harus memvertifikasi akun di email anda.
4. Setelah selesai anda cari game yang anda inginkan lalu Join atau anda ingin menjadi Host.
nb: misalkan gak bisa coba deh matiin firewallnya ;)
